The Opponent
He and I sat opposite each other…staring one another
down. I had faced larger opponents, but
perhaps none as mentally strong as this one. I could tell I was wearing him
down. Yet, he was resilient, he fought on.
He had already had several near breakdowns, but ultimately, my opponent
held resolute. His face was red with
exertion…and I am certain that the veins in my neck were enlarged and
protruding above my crew collared shirt.
I have spent my entire life facing difficult opponents,
whether on the wrestling mat from age 5, or a difficult college professor, or
the 3 year boy who opposed me that day.
It had started simple enough…a question…”Do you want your pizza cut into
triangles or squares.”
I realize that some questions can overwhelm indecisive
people like myself…but this young boy had already developed strong opinions. For example, he hated potatoes, uncomfortable
shirts and loose athletic shoes. He
would send his potatoes flying…his uncomfortable shirts would be thrown off…and
he would pull the laces of his shoes up to his knees in efforts to keep them snug
around his feet.
The eternal struggle of triangles or squares was the most
difficult decision that this 3 year old had yet faced. He had said, “Squares.” Thus, I cut the pizza into squares. Once the slicing was finished, the toe jam extracting scream let loose and he cried out, “No! I wanted it cut into
“You said squares!”
“Tough! You said squares…you got squares…now eat it!”
Sweat began to collect on my brow as I mentally wrestled
with the child. He was a tough one…a formidable
foe. We found ourselves now at a
standoff, neither of us wanting to give in.
“Are you feeling hungry?”
“Then eat your pizza.”
“You are not getting anything else to eat.”
“I don’t want it!”
“Then you are going to be hungry.”
“I want to eat!”
“Then eat”
The battle may have lasted 20 minutes or more…before…as I
pretended to be unaware…he snuck a bite…and then another…and another. “There, finally” I sighed silently to myself.
“Now that you have eaten your pizza…would you like a
“Circle…or square?”
We face opposition all throughout our lives. Some of these opposing moments are mere
superficial issues with food or the foolish man driving slowly in the fast lane
on the highway. Yet, there are times in
our lives when we will face opposition that is powerful…and how we respond to
these oppositions are critical. When it
comes to spiritual matters and the church…we can be guaranteed that there WILL
be opposition. The early New Testament
church encountered opposition regularly.
We find an event recorded in Acts chapter 4, Peter and John had just healed
a crippled beggar at the Temple in the name of Jesus. Though the deed that they had done was very
kind and beneficial…they are arrested and told…”You are not allowed to preach
the name any more…that name of Jesus…”
When faced with the opposition…Peter and John must make a
decision. What do they do? Obey God or obey man? In the face of
opposition…they do the only thing that they can do…they obey God…yet, they do
it with such grace.
May we come to see that as followers of Christ we WILL face
opposition…and may we choose to do that which is difficult and obey God…with