Saturday, February 22, 2025


My memories of growing up on our 3 ½ acre “fake” farm run deep.  Some of my earliest memories were when my older brother and I would spend our afternoons racing tractors.  My dad owned a couple of old crank start Farmall H tractors that he kept parked side by side near the pig pen.  The two beasts were nearly identical with the exception of the paint color.  One machine held fast to remnants of the original Farmall red, while the other had grayed and rusted from years of neglect.  I usually hurried to the red one as everyone knew that was the faster tractor.  My older brother reluctantly found himself mounting the Gray Ghost as we called her. 

We spent hours racing the tractors and arguing about who won, each of us insisting that we had bested the other.

“I won!”

“No you didn’t!”

“Sure I did!”

“You couldn’t have won, you were on the older clunker!”

This usually went on until mother called us in for supper.

“Boys! Stop playing on those tractors and come in for supper!

“Mom! Tell Ross that I won the race!”

“Well Ryan, considering the fact that those two tractors never moved even an inch during your “races”, I would say that you both won.”

“Or both lost!” my dad interjected.

Perhaps I neglected to emphasize…this was a fake farm…with fake running tractors.  Sure the tractors were real, but they had never run in my lifetime.  Additionally, being only 6 and 7 years old respectively, me and my brother would never have been able to crank start those machines.  Therefore  we relied on making our own engine noises.  My noises were always faster and better…that is why I won the races.

All of this changed however, on the day that dad brought home a real working tractor.   It was a tiny little orange Allis Chalmers B.  It was from that day on that our lives changed…for the worse.

Immediately Dad brought my brother and I outside to “work the land.”  This mostly meant that Dad insisted that we stand outside and watch him work and stay out of mom’s way.  He said something to the effect of, “Boys, come out with me…you mother is losing her mind and she needs to have you guys out of the house.”  I assumed that she must have found the pet toad I left in the dresser drawer.

So we stood and watched,  as Dad broke the ground with an old single bottom plow.  Then we watched some more as he disc harrowed the newly plowed earth.  We watched even more as he ran the drag across the newly harrowed ground.  Then came the work.  He made us walk all over the soft ground picking up all of the rocks that we could find and place them in a pile outside of the prepared area.  He then made us shovel manure by hand into wheelbarrows and dump the loads of excrement all over the newly dragged dirt.

Then we stood and watched some more as he harrowed the ground again…and dragged it again. 

It was at this point that my brother and I took turns riding on the antique farm machines being pulled behind the Iron Ox.  After my older brother had spent some time bouncing on the steel seat of the corn planter I took a turn being jostled on the vintage potato planter.  The following weeks and months included watering, weeding and finally harvesting.  When all was said and done we had corn ears coming out of our ears and enough bags of potatoes to shake a stick at. 

That about ended our farming career as the old Allis Chalmers went to the old tractor shed in the sky.  

The soft soil has once again become hard and pocked with gopher mounds.  Looking at it today, you would never have known that for a few short months it was a small fertile plot of land 200ft x 200ft.

Land is like a muscle, you have to work it to keep it growing.  When the land is neglected it reverts back to the hardened soil it was known as earlier.  Here we find an incredible parallel to the Parable Jesus shares in Matthew 13:1-23.  In these verses we find the condition of a variety of soils and how these soils are able to receive the sweet seed of the Gospel. 

Perhaps the soil of your heart is hard or perhaps it is soft, or perhaps it is even somewhere in between.  The condition of your heart today does not have to stay way it is.  If you have a heart that hard it can be softened.  If you have a hear that has become hard, it can be softened again.  Conversely, if you have a heart that is soft…sadly it can become hardened.  As a farmer never ends the annual working of the soil, so our God never ends his work of softening our hearts for His transformation.

May we come to invite him to have more of our heart…more acreage to break and work. May we allow him to do the deep work of preparing our hearts to receive the seed of the Gospel and then continue to work it so that through us he can bring forth the great harvest.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

 Something Greater

The old adage is that “Records are made to be broken,” and for the most part, this seems to be true, particularly in the realm of athletics.  Perhaps one of the most well known record breaking performances was when Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt shattered both the 100m and 200m world records, which still stand more than 15 years later.  Bolt broke the record that many believed to be unbreakable, Michael Johnson’s 200m dash record.  When you watch something like that happen you know that you have just witnessed something special. 

Just this past month I have watched Gabel Steveson, heavyweight for the Minnesota Gopher’s wrestling team, compete against 3 different top 10 ranked wrestlers in the country.  It is really incredible seeing how this man makes these other great wrestlers look like they have rarely seen the mat.  He is really on a level of his own.  Even non-wrestling fans would be able to see how great of a wrestler this man really is. It is indeed something special to encounter.

It is often easy and exciting to see the greatness of athletes in the context of their sport.  Yet, what for some reason, we, as a society, don’t as readily notice the greatness of Jesus.  He is incredible!  Certainly, those who have experienced his immeasurable grace can speak to the sweet greatness of our Savior.  Yet, he is even greater than that!  In Matthew chapter 12, Jesus speaks of 3 incredible comparisons of his greatness.  Jesus reveals to those who are his followers, as well as his skeptics, that He is greater than the Temple, the Prophets and the Kings of old! 

Jesus is greater than the greatest kings of Israel including Solomon and all of his wisdom.  Jesus is greater than Jonah and the rest of the prophets who foretold of his coming.  Jesus is greater than the Temple…which housed the presence of God.  Jesus IS the presence of God! He IS God!

It is time to see Jesus for who he really is!  The greatest thing in the world…universe…and beyond!

Jesus is greater than everything!

Saturday, February 1, 2025


There are very few foods that I don’t like.  Two of my most prevalent dislikes are olives and sauerkraut.  There was a time however, that this list was significantly longer.  Prior to 2010, the list would have included squash and split pea soup.  Propelling even further back in time, to the years of my childhood, the queue would have contained; onions, tomatoes, oatmeal raisin cookies, guacamole, sour cream, yogurt, celery, salsa, green peppers, jalapeno peppers, boiled potatoes, Chinese food, egg rolls, mushrooms, chili and cornbread. 

I am pleased to share that each of these previous disliked items has now found a special place within my broadened palate. 

In order for each of these provisions to transfer from repulsion to revered, one shared act of commonality needed to take place. Each element required tasting.  Had I never tasted squash, or mushrooms, or guacamole, or cornbread I would never have discovered my affection for them.

In an interesting similarity, my grandfather spent the first 70+ years of his life avoiding pizza, simply because of his loathing of tomatoes.  It wasn’t until he found himself living in assisted living where he came to discover his love for pizza.

In Matthew 12:14-32, we find Jesus once again confronted by the religious leaders.  In this case he is being accused of being influences by Satan himself.  It is quite clear that the Pharisees and the scribes have already made up their mind about Jesus. They hated him and yet, supposedly loved God.  If only these people could taste and see that Jesus is who he says that he is.  He has come bringing healing and restoration.  He is offering a foretaste of the Kingdom of God that has both come and is to come and yet these leaders are refusing to take the taste.  They are refusing to experience the truth about Jesus.

May we come to experience the real Jesus, to taste and to see all of his goodness.